Date: 11/07/2020


If the Democratic Party under Biden/Harris controls the Executive Branch of the Federal Government (which is tasked with controlling the borders and will not let the States do it), should we really believe they are going to control the borders, or will they open the borders and totally destroy the historic USA?  Consider this information: - Biden says migrants shouldn't be detained just for crossing border -  Joe Biden: No Deportations In First 100 Days, Police Should Refuse To Cooperate With ICE -  Biden ‘Unity’ Plan Calls for Mass Amnesty, Open Border - Biden backs health care for illegal immigrants, says 'we have an obligation' to provide it



What is going to happen when borders are not enforced and Third World people know they can come in with impunity and get free healthcare and get their piece of American wealth? And is it not obvious that it leads to Marxism?


Furthermore, Biden has promised “as president, I’ll ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, implement universal background checks, and enact other common-sense reforms to end our gun violence epidemic.”* In other words, he will gut the gun rights as it is intended in the 2nd Amendment of the Federal Constitution and the original constitution of the USA, the Articles of Confederation.





Also, there is mounting evidence of election fraud in key battleground states, and especially in certain large urban centers like Philadelphia and Detroit where there is a long history of election fraud as well as other forms of political corruption.  This evidence is being suppressed by the mainstream media and internet companies, but is still available at various online news and information sites that have not fully capitulated to the wicked modern Babel agenda.


Here is what Pres Trump said: .  He says he won and is not conceding.  The only reason it has gotten even close is because of decades of illegal immigration enabled by liberals.  Finally, we hopefully have in President Trump someone who will not be rolled over like most Republicans. Once Trump is out of the way liberal Democrats can open the borders even more and give illegal entrants all free healthcare, etc. (which is what Biden/Harris have said they plan to do).


One path to be worked on is described at - "Article II of the U.S. Constitution leaves decisions about how electors will be chosen to state legislatures: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress.”